That is essentially how the Gay trade came about. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. “We’re not going to make rash decisions here and just do anything that’s going to make us better for two games. “If you’re, you’ve got to figure out your team or figure out how to get better,” Ujiri said. The perfect time to make a move - the sweet spot that marries the best return and the most losses - cannot be known. Managing all of that is at least as much art as science. He wants to get as much of a return for his assets as possible, but would like to move them as soon as possible, in order to avoid more victories, and would like to receive pieces that help far more in the future than they will in the present. To accomplish that ignoble goal, Ujiri has a lot of work to do, and he must strike a tricky balance. I think we had some chemistry issues with the team in terms of playing Article content I don’t think we’re going through a bad patch.